5 New Ways to Fortify Your Holiday Google Ads Campaigns for Success
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5 New Ways to Fortify Your Holiday Google Ads Campaigns for Success

Winter is coming… and our hope is to help you prepare for the holiday season by sharing our latest tips to optimize your holiday Google Ads campaigns! This year especially, ecommerce brands are seeking advice for setting up their holiday ad campaigns for success.  

Why might that be? Because ecommerce businesses face a unique set of marketing challenges in the 2024 holiday season—from the presidential election delaying the usual holiday peak in demand to fewer post-Cyber-Week shopping days and tougher purchasing decisions for cash-strapped consumers.  

So, we are happy to share some holiday cheer in the form of our top five ways to fortify your holiday Google Ads campaigns!  

  1. Feeds Excellence  
  1. Media Mix Modeling (MMM) 
  1. Power Pair (AI Tools) 
  1. Strong Creative Assets  
  1. Enhanced Conversion Tracking 

Keep reading to dig into each tip, or if you’d rather listen/watch and learn, you can check out our on-demand webinar with Google: Urgent Holiday Ad Updates: 5 Google Ad Changes to Make Now

1. Feeds Excellence

Your product feed is paramount for Google Ads success. If your feed includes poor or stale data, that will undermine your revenue scalability, so make sure to check your: 

  • Data Quality: Missing fields may cause products to become disapproved, which will limit your ad impressions and revenue.  
  • Custom Labels: Stale custom labels cause accounts to stagnate. Update top seller labels and ensure new products are properly labeled.  
  • Title & Description: Ensure product titles and descriptions include key phrases that potential customers may use to find your products. You can use Google Search Query or Insight reports to better understand how users search.

2. Media Mix Modeling (MMM)

Allocating the right budgets to each campaign type is crucial for holiday success. Our best suggestion for an easy way to do this is by using Agital Impact’s Media Mix Modeling to help you:  

  • Identify Seasonal Coefficients: Understanding the impact of seasonality on revenue helps plan budgets by month.  
  • Measure Attribution: Find which campaign types contribute most to total revenue growth to optimize budgets per sub-channel.  
  • Forecast Revenue: Our calculators help forecast new scenarios for ad spend and revenue to help you hit your goals. ou can use the integrations to best target and reach your audiences across channels: 

Example of Excellent Results With Agital’s MMM Tool

Our team helped an ecommerce fashion and apparel client achieve a +40% increase in revenue year-over-year while cutting their discount promotion budget by 65% after using MMM to identify ad spend potential and amplify revenue while cutting costs! 

(If you’re worried the holidays are approaching too quickly to get ahead with MMM, don’t fret! We invite you to contact our team to discuss what’s possible at any time.)

3. Power Pair (AI Tools)

80% of marketers today are using at least one AI-powered search tool, and Google’s “Power Pair” highlights two of the best. Power Pair includes Google’s most advanced AI-powered tools, broad match + Performance Max, built to help you increase your ad efficiency and visibility across networks:  

  1. Search + Broad Match: Maximize visibility and gain better efficiency than you could with the “old” broad match. Powered by Google’s AI, today’s broad match identifies related high-intent queries to extend your reach beyond exact and phrase match. 
  1. Performance Max (PMax): Optimize ad impressions across networks to meet potential customers on any Google surface. 

Optimization is Critical

Despite the Power Pair enhancements, your Google Ad campaigns still require the right building blocks, including:  

  • Feed Labels 
  • Audience Signals 
  • Strong Creatives 
  • Proper Constraints (e.g. ROAS targets & negative keywords to control low-performing searches.) 

To get a deep-dive from Google and Agital on how to set up, train, and guide AI-based features like broad match and PMax, check out our recent on-demand webinar: Mastering Google Ads’ Disruptive AI From the Inside Out

4. Strong Creative Assets

Most campaigns are powered by creative. Having the right assets will boost the performance of your holiday Google Ads campaigns.  

  • Images for PMax: Ensure you have ample images for your PMax campaigns. Google Ads Creative Studio can help generate creative assets easily.  
  • Videos: Whether you’re running PMax or deploying a YouTube campaign, captivating video ads are vital to grabbing the attention of your audience. 
  • Segmented Messaging: Identifying your key customer segments and their shopping behavior (or “modality”) to align your messaging accordingly will drive optimal performance. 

5. Enhanced Conversion Tracking

Enhanced conversion tracking sends hashed first-party data to Google, allowing you to track more conversions. (This is especially important with third-party cookies hanging in the balance.)  

Benefits of enhanced conversion tracking include:  

  • Improved Attribution Accuracy: More accurately measure your customers’ conversion paths, including YouTube and Display Ads.  
  • Modeled Data: Google uses machine learning to model conversions when data is lost due to privacy or browser restrictions.  
  • Better Investments: Improved conversion data fuels Google’s smart bidding algorithms, allocating more budget to the right ads.

Time to Update Your Holiday Google Ads Campaigns

You still have time to optimize your holiday Google Ad campaigns for the most impact this season. Agital partners with Google to ensure our clients get the most value out of every campaign, and we would be happy to help you.  

We also offer a free ecommerce audit and growth plan! Our team will assess your marketing performance across all your digital channels—from paid search and SEO to email and SMS—and identify opportunities to optimize your results.  

Set your business up for success this holiday season. Contact us today.


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