CPS | How Agital Helped Rebrand a 50-Year-Old Company
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Comprehensive Pharmacy Services

Comprehensive Pharmacy Services (CPS) was founded nearly 50 years ago to help hospital and health system pharmacies achieve performance excellence. They have grown to become the nation’s largest pharmacy services provider to more than 800 hospitals and healthcare systems across the United States.

CPS felt their current brand didn’t reflect the broader breadth of products and services the company offered. But with such a long history in the industry, they didn’t want to diminish their positive brand affinity and awareness with an entirely new brand. We partnered with them to complete a brand refresh and launch a new website that communicated their unique differentiators.

A Brand Strategy for Success

Our engagement began with a comprehensive brand audit, and industry, competitor, and consumer research to understand key elements of the CPS brand and business. These findings allowed us to establish new values, vision statements, a company mission, and personas to create a compelling brand strategy for CPS.

A Bold Vision Calls for Bold Colors

CPS wanted to have a more innovative personality that cemented them as a leader in the healthcare space. We updated the logo and color usage to present a modern visual brand to the world. From there, we created a brand guide that provided a set of tools and rules for how to implement various branding elements.

Bringing the (Refreshed) Brand to Life

Once the brand work and logo creation were complete, we developed a robust content strategy to provide a roadmap for all content planning, creation, and execution. We then updated the website copy and design to communicate the evolution of CPS and position them as a strategic partner that can help businesses with a broad range of hospital solutions.

Want to get an amazing brand refresh like this?

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What We Do for CPS

Advancement through holistic marketing support and strategy.


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