Creating Consistency Across 30 EDU Sites | An Agital Case Study
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BASIS.ed manages a rapidly growing education network that proves when learners are challenged by high academic and behavioral expectations, they rise to meet them.

BASIS.ed needed help setting up 30 individual school websites as well as a comprehensive campaign to drive the teachers to apply and parents to begin enrolling.

30 different schools, one solid bunch of kids.

One goal was to create consistency across the 30 individual school websites while leaving enough room to showcase the individual strengths and unique elements of their students. We also needed a surefire way of getting the word out to parents as well as talented, motivated teachers, and students to want to join the BASIS family.

Nurturing, inspiring, challenging.

The idea was to make BASIS.ed stand out as much for their academic achievements as for their innovative curriculum and unique students, enticing prospective parents, students and teachers to apply. Display and search messaging would be spread over the course of the decision process for school, raising awareness, building interest, prompting desire, and ultimately driving action.

Using multi-channel marketing and custom-designed assets, we put together a vigorous recruitment campaign to make the fall deadline possible, incorporating banner ads, emails, and landing pages.

Basis Ed

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