Moving Past "Creative" Jargon to a Data-Driven Creative Strategy
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What We Mean By “Creative”
Moving Past Jargon to a Strategic Framework

“Creative” has become a catch-all term to denote the story we tell (and show) about a product, service, or brand to communicate its value. But the relationship between creative and the broader enterprise of marketing can be a murky one. Get the resource your team needs to connect your creative strategy with your business goals—our step-by-step guide to building a data-driven creative strategy.

Download your guide to access:

  • Step-by-step instructions for building your own creative strategy from the ground up. 
  • Ways to gain organizational buy-in on your creative strategy.  
  • Seven guiding principles to ensure your creative strategy drives business success.  

Get the Guide

About the Author, Jenny Frey 

Director of Content Strategy + Lead Storyteller at Agital

Jenny oversees a team of writers, creative strategists, content strategists, and SEO experts in the Phoenix division of Agital. She brings the creativity of a writer, the discipline (and background) of an academic, and the strategic thinking of a seasoned marketer. She excels at understanding business goals and user needs to develop successful, actionable, and creative marketing solutions.