Equal Pay for Equal Work is Common Sense | Agital
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Equal Pay for Equal Work is Common Sense

Equal Pay Day is a symbolic day designated to raise awareness about pay disparity based on any factors outside of merit such as gender, skin color, age, or anything else. At Agital, we found it simply unacceptable that a pay gap of any sort existed in 2022 when this article was first written and still feel the same in 2023. After all, equal pay for equal work is common sense and good business.

When we formed Agital, the golden rule of “do to others as you would have them do to you” is a simple but core principle here. Do the right thing, treat people fairly and with respect and pay equally for equal work. We are honored to have received the Equal Pay Business Partner designation from the City of Tempe and challenge other businesses to do the same.

Why do we commit to equal pay for equal work?

At Agital, we are constantly striving to be the absolute best employer possible. We offer our team members benefits such as:

  • Flexible Office Hours
  • Flexible In-Office, Hybrid, and Remote Work Options
  • Comprehensive Modern Benefits Package
  • Unlimited PTO

We invest in our team’s well-being, growth and career success, and in turn, they give passion and the best work of their lives. When the company and our team members do the best for each other, it’s a beautiful harmony. And to ensure everyone feels valued and respected, we’re committed to:

  • Ensuring every voice is heard.
  • Creating and valuing a diverse workforce with unique perspectives.

These principles not only strengthen our organization—they are core to the fabric of the agency and are healthy for society.

Your business can do it too!

We are proud of the Equal Pay for Equal Work designation, and we challenge other organizations to adopt this policy. We can work together to build a community of progressive and modern businesses and stake our claim in our industries to show others that treating employees with respect can pay dividends. And trust us, you’ll sleep better at night knowing you’re doing right by your employees and their families!

If your business is in Tempe, we encourage you to check out the Equal Pay program and apply when you are ready to make the commitment. To become Equal Pay certified, the City of Tempe will verify you’re paying equal wages for equal positions and experience with a self-assessment tool.

If your organization is outside of Tempe, check out these resources to get started on a plan to adopt an equal pay policy in your workplace and get certified:

Make an impact and get started today.

No matter where you are in the process of establishing equal pay for equal work as standard practice in your organization—all big changes start with a single small step. We salute every business that takes that first step to developing a proactive approach to ensuring a merit-based equal playing field and are excited to help build a strong business community with equality as a shared central focus.

On Equal Pay Day, let’s demand better for ourselves and everyone in our communities by making true employment equality the standard by which we all operate. Equal pay for equal work just makes sense.


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